Staring at a blank piece of paper can be daunting.
Knowing that you have to produce a written document
in addition to your already exhausting workload can
be stressful. So if you don't know how to start, where
to start or can't imagine having the time to start,
we're here to help.
Situations in which a writer can help:
Do you need to write a proposal or response to
tender to seek funding? Inkontext can write a
compelling submission, within the required word
limits and according to the relevant guidelines.
Perhaps you need some technical writing done,
such as a procedures manual, a job aid or training
guide. Inkontext can develop clear, concise documents,
flip-charts, flash cards to make sure complex
processes are easily understood by those who need
to implement them.
Is your business struggling to sell its message
to customers? Inkontext can write text for brochures
or websites creating a clear business profile
for maximum impact.
Are you struggling to put down your ideas on
paper, perhaps for a presentation to management
or an abstract for a book? We can sit with you,
talk through those ideas and 'translate' them
to paper.